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Crystal Coast Country Club

Dress Code

The dress code is a display of the pride that we have in our club.  It is not overly demanding and is based on good taste and respect for the club and its members.
Dining AttireThe required attire for gentlemen in all areas is best described as Country Club Casual - collared shirts or mock neck shirts with sleeves, slacks or Bermuda length golf or dress shorts, denim in good taste free of holes or rips, and no hats during dinner service. Special events may require sport jackets or suits.  The required attire for ladies in all areas is equally appropriate - Dresses, skirts, capri pants, slacks, or denim in good taste free of holes or rips. Golf or tennis attire prior to dinner service is also acceptable. Special events may require cocktail or formal attire.

HeadwearHats may be worn throughout the facility except for dinner service.

Golf AttireGentlemen are required to wear a tucked in collared or mock-neck shirt, slacks or appropriate length shorts, denim in good taste free of holes or rips. Ladies are required to wear slacks, skorts, or Bermuda length golf shorts, as well as, a collared or mock-neck shirt. Long pants, crop pants, or denim in good taste free of holes or rips may be worn. Riders must adhere to these policies as well.

Tennis & Pickleball AttireGentlemen and ladies are required to wear tennis appropriate clothing and footwear. Short and long tights must be covered. Pickleball permits fitness attire and footwear. Sleeves must be worn by gentlemen.

Pool AttireSwimsuits (with cover-ups for women and collared shirts for men) are allowed only in the golf pro shop and the veranda for lunch. Footwear is required.

Fitness AttireShirts must be worn at all times, as well as, appropriate footwear. All shirts worn by gentlemen must have sleeves. Ladies shirts must have full coverage.